
11 April 2013

I.C.S.A. brings YOU to AUSTRALIA! 2^ tour

Check the attached files to get information about I.C.S.A.’s Tour of Australia June 2013.. LET’S GO TO AUSTRALIA!! Promo-OZ-da-ICSA-Giugno 2013 Plan Australia Giugno 2013 Don’t miss […]
5 April 2013

Sister School Agreement Mount Ridley College, Melbourne – Liceo A.Volta, Caltanissetta

In line with its role of fostering educational exchanges between Sicily and Australia The Istituto di Cultura Sicilia Australia is proud to announce the Sister School […]
14 March 2013

Agreement of Collaboration ALIA – ICSA

An Agreement of Collaboration was signed on the 14th of March 2013 between the Istituto di Cultura Sicilia Australia (I.C.S.A) and ALIA International P/L of Melbourne. […]
23 February 2013

2013 La Trobe University: “In the City – Ancient Mediterranean Studies” Lecture Series

I.C.S.A.’s support of events of note about Sicily continues with our profile of a rich and interesting program of Lectures, Workshops and Seminars, that will be […]